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杭州师范大学生命科学与环境学院 教授  

Yanmei Tao, Ph.D.Yanmei Tao, Ph.D.

E-mail: ytao@georgiahealth.edu


该研究组主要从事中枢神经系统神经元发育及功能方面的研究。精神病是一种遗传病,但对突变基因的筛选工作(GWAS)揭示其疾病的基因来源极其复杂。因此,研究精神病的分子机制对早期诊断和治疗靶点的设计极其重要,而另辟蹊径研究易感受细胞群(vulnerable cells)及其引起精神病相关症状的分子机理是更高效途径。抑制性中间神经元上兴奋性突触联系的形成或功能紊乱或是精神病人行为异常的原因这一概念,已经得到越来越多研究者的关注。该课题组今后的研究计划包括:(1)进一步揭示兴奋性突触在抑制性中间神经元上形成的分子机制;(2)阐明中枢神经系统(CNS)髓鞘形成的调节机制。


Y. Tao, J. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Hu. Effects of low level laser irradiation on intracellular free calcium concentration and SOD activity in vitro and in vivo study. Applied Laser, 17(2):89-93, 1997.

Y. Tao, W. Dong, S. Jia, X. Dai. Effect of ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761) on the changes of intracellular calcium concentration and mobility induced by amikacin in outer hair cell isolated from guinea pig cochlear. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 15(5):372-376, 2001. 

Y. Tao*, R. Zeng*, B. Shen*, J. Jia, Y. Wang. Neuronal transmission stimulates the phosphorylation of Kv1.4 channel at Ser229 through protein kinase A. J. Neurochem. 94(6):1512-1522, 2005. *, equal contributing first author. 

Y. Tao*, D. Yan*, Q. Yang, R. Zeng, Y. Wang. Low K+ promotes NF-κB/DNA binding in neuronal apoptosis induced by K+ loss.Mol. Cell Biol. 26(3):1038-1050, 2006. *, equal contributing first author. 

Y. Liu, Y. Tao, R.-S. Woo, W.-C. Xiong, and Lin Mei. Stimulated ErbB4 internalization is necessary for neuregulin signaling in neurons. Biochem. Biophys. Rapid Comm. 354(2):505-510, 2007. 

R.-S. Woo*, X.M. Li*, Y. Tao, E Carpenter-Hyland, J. Wu, C. Lai, W.-C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Neuregulin-1 Enhances Depolarization-Induced GABA Release. Neuron 54(4):599-610, 2007. *, equal contributing first author. 

C. Brooks, Q. Wei, L. Feng, G. Dong, Y. Tao, L. Mei, Z.-J. Xie, D. C Chan, Z. Dong. Bak regulates mitochondrial morphology and pathology during apoptosis by interacting with Mitofusins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.  104(28):11649-11654, 2007. 

J. Arikkath, I. Israely, Y. Tao, L. Mei, X. Liu, L. F. Reichardt. Erbin controls dendritic morphogenesis by regulating localization of delta-Catenin. J. Neurosci. 28(28), 7047-7056, 2008. 

S. Luo, B.Zhang, X.P. Dong, Y. Tao, A. Ting, Z. Zhou, J. Meixiong, J. Luo, F.C. Chiu, W. -C. Xiong, L. Mei. HSP90 beta regulates rapsyn turnover and subsequent AChR cluster formation and maintenance. Neuron 60(1):97-110, 2008.

Y. Tao, P. Dai, Y. Liu, W. -C. Xiong, J. P. Borg, L. Mei. Erbin regulates neuregulin signaling and myelination. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106(23):9477-9482, 2009.




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