神经科学和生物物理学家。1940年生于辽宁沈阳。1965年毕业于莫斯科大学,1979年获慕尼黑大学自然科学博士学位。现任中国科学院生物物理研究所和中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所研究员。 从事视觉信息加工、神经编码和计算神经科学研究。从基因-脑-行为的角度,研究果蝇的学习、记忆、注意和抉择机制。开创了果蝇的两难抉择的研究,为理解抉择的神经机制提供了较为简单的模式生物和新范式;确立果蝇视觉记忆的短/中/长时程等多阶段记忆模型,再证实了学习/记忆的分子和细胞机制的进化保守性;揭示了果蝇的类注意状态并发现某些记忆基因突变导致注意状态缺陷;在视觉图形-背景分辨的神经计算仿真和复眼的颜色以及偏振光视觉的生物物理机制方面也有重要研究成果。2003年当选为中国科学院院士。研究方向
1. Li, X., Yu, F., and Guo, A. (2009) Sleep Deprivation Specifically Impairs Short-term Olfactory Memory in Drosophila. Sleep 32: 1417-1424.2. Liu, T., Dartevelle, L., Yuan, C., Wei, H., Wang, Y., Ferveur, J, and Guo, A. (2009) Reduction of dopamine level enhances the attractiveness of male Drosophila to other males. PLoS ONE 4: e4574.
3. Lu, S., Fang, J., Guo, A., and Peng, Y. (2009) Impact of network topology on decision-making. Neural Netw. 22: 30-40.
4. Liu, T., Dartevelle, L., Yuan, C., Wei, H., Wang, Y., Ferveur J., and Guo, A. (2008) Increased dopamine level enhances male-male courtship in Drosophila. J. Neurosci. 28: 5539-5546.
5. Xi, W., Peng, Y., Guo, J., Ye, Y., Zhang, K., Yu, F., and Guo, A. (2008) Mushroom bodies modulate salience-based selective fixation behavior in Drosophila. Eur. J. Neurosci., 27: 1441-1451.
6. Zhang, K., Guo, J., Peng, Y., Xi, W., and Guo, A. (2007) Dopamine-Mushroom Body Circuit Regulates Saliency-Based Decision-Making in Drosophila. Science 316: 1901-1904.
7. Peng, Y., Xi, W., Zhang, W., Zhang, K., and Guo, A. (2007) Experience Improves Feature Extraction in Drosophila. J. Neurosci. 27: 5139-5145.
8. Xu, S., Cang, C., Liu, X., Peng, Y., Ye, Y., Zhao, Z., and Guo, A. (2006) Thermal nociception in adult Drosophila: behavioral characterization and the role of the painless gene. Genes Brain Behav. 5(8): 602-613.
9. Guo, J., and Guo, A. (2005) Crossmodal Interactions Between Olfactory and Visual Learning in Drosophila. Science 309: 307-310.
10. Zhou, X., Yuan, C., and Guo, A. (2005) Drosophila Olfactory Response Rhythms Require Clock Genes but Not Pigment Dispersing Factor or Lateral Neurons. J. Biol. Rhythm. 20: 237-244.
11. Ye, Y., Xi, W., Peng, Y., Wang, Y., and Guo, A. (2004) Long-term but not short-term blockade of dopamine release in Drosophila impairs orientation during flight in a visual attention paradigm. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20: 1001-1007.
12. Tang, S., and Guo, A. (2001) Choice behavior of Drosophila facing contradictory visual cues. Science, 294: 1543-1547.