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东南大学医学院 教授  

Yanmei Tao, Ph.D.Yanmei Tao, Ph.D.

陶艳梅教授的主要研究兴趣是通过构建大脑高级功能(如认知、学习、记忆、情绪、社交能力等)失调的遗传小鼠模型,研究神经精神疾病疑似致病基因的功能和分子机制。重点关注中枢神经系统最晚成熟和最具可塑性的结构——突触和髓鞘——的分子和细胞病理发生机制及其对大脑高级功能的影响。作为第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Neuroscience、PNAS、Journal of Neuroscience、Cell Discovery等杂志上发表论文数十篇,曾获NDC年青研究员奖、浙江省特聘教授、浙江省151人才工程第一层次。迄今先后主持5项国家自然科学基金面上项目,并为2030科技部脑科学与类脑研究重大项目课题骨干。担任Cell&Bioscience的Editorial Board成员,以及eLife、Neuroscience Bulletin、Molecular Brain等多个杂志的评审,并参与国自然、教育部、法国AFM等基金项目评审工作。








2023.04-    ,东南大学医学院生理系,教授


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,FGFR2调控PV/SST抑制性突触发育的机制及其应用研究,负责人,58万,2022.01-2025.12. 

2. 科技创新2030-脑科学与类脑研究重大项目,脑智异常的脑白质发育机制,课题骨干,承担经费125万,2021.12-2026.11.

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, ErbB受体的广谱性配体HB-EGF特异性调控中枢局域性髓鞘发育的机制研究, 负责人,59万, 2019.01-2022.12. 

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,自闭症关联突触蛋白Densin-180的致病机理研究,负责人,62万,2017.01-2020.12. 

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,ErbB信号通路调节精神分裂症病理病症发生的髓鞘机制研究,负责人,97万,2014.01-2017.12. 

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,中枢髓鞘晚期发育的关键分子机制及其与精神性疾病相关性的研究,负责人,15万,2012.01-2012.12. 

7. 杭州市高层次留学回国人员在杭创新项目,局域性白质损伤与精神分裂症病理病症发生机制的研究,负责人,15万,2016.01-2018.12.


该研究组主要从事中枢神经系统神经元发育及功能方面的研究。精神病是一种遗传病,但对突变基因的筛选工作(GWAS)揭示其疾病的基因来源极其复杂。因此,研究精神病的分子机制对早期诊断和治疗靶点的设计极其重要,而另辟蹊径研究易感受细胞群(vulnerable cells)及其引起精神病相关症状的分子机理是更高效途径。抑制性中间神经元上兴奋性突触联系的形成或功能紊乱或是精神病人行为异常的原因这一概念,已经得到越来越多研究者的关注。该课题组今后的研究计划包括:(1)进一步揭示兴奋性突触在抑制性中间神经元上形成的分子机制;(2)阐明中枢神经系统(CNS)髓鞘形成的调节机制。


主要发表论文: (*, correspondence or co-correspondence. # , equal contributing first author. ) 

1. X. Hu# , G. Xiao# , L. He# , X. Niu, H. Li, T. Lou, Q. Hu, Y. Yang, Q. Xu, Z. Wei, M. Qiu, K. F. Tanaka, Y. Shen, Y. Tao*. Sustained ErbB activation causes demyelination and hypomyelination by driving necroptosis of mature oligodendrocytes and apoptosis of oligodendrocyte precursor cells. J. Neurosci. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2922-20.2021, 2021. (Highlighted in ‘This Week in The Journal’) 

2. X. Hu# , G. Xiao# , L. He# , Q. Zhu, X. Niu, H. Li, Q. Xu, Z. Wei, H. Huang, Y. Luan, M. Qiu, K. F. Tanaka, Y. Shen, Y. Tao*. ErbB dysregulation impairs cognition via myelination-dependent and - independent oligodendropathy. BioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2020.09.09.289223, 2020. 

3. G. Xiao# , H. Li# , X. Hu, X. Niu, Q. Xu, Y. Tao*. Interference of commissural connections through the genu of the corpus callosum specifically impairs sensorimotor gating. Behavioural Brain Research, 411, 113383, 2021. 

4. Z.-Y. Luo, L. Huang, S. Lin, Y.-N. Yin, W. Jie, N.-Y. Hu, Y.-Y. Hu, Y.-F. Guan, J.-H. Liu, Q.-L. You, Y.-H. Chen, Z.-C. Luo, S.-R. Zhang, X.-W. Li, J.-M. Yang, Y. Tao, L. Mei, T.-M. Gao*, Erbin in Amygdala Parvalbumin-Positive Neurons Modulates Anxiety-like Behaviors. Biol. Psychiat. 87(10):926-936, 2019. 

5. X. Ge# , G. Xiao# , H. Huang, J. Du, Y. Tao, A. Yang, H. Wu, Z. Zhang, M. Qiu*.Stage-dependent regulation of oligodendrocyte development and enhancement of myelin repair by dominant negative Master-mind 1 protein. Glia, 67(9):1654-1666, 2019. 

6. J. Chen, W. He, X. Hu, Y. Shen, J. Cao, Z. Wei, Y. Luan, L. He, F. Jiang, and Y. Tao*, A role for ErbB signaling in the induction of reactive astrogliosis. Cell Discov. 3: 17044, 2017. 

7. Y. Tao# , C. Shen# , S. Luo# , W. Traore, S. Marchetto, M.-J. Santoni, L. Xu, C. Shi, J. Mei, R. Bates, X. Liu, K. Zhao, W.-C. Xiong, J.-P. Borg, L. Mei*, Role of Erbin in ErbB2-dependent breast tumor growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. doi/10.1073/pnas.1407139111, 2014. 

8. Y. Tao, W.-C. Xiong, L. Mei*,Erbin in cortical inhibition. Future Neurology, 8(4): 369-372. doi: 10.2217/fnl.13.18, 2013. 

9. Y. Tao*, Isolation and culture of Schwann cells. Neural Development: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 1018: 93-104, 2013. (著作) 

10. Y. Tao# , Y. Chen# , C. Shen# , Z. Luo, C.R. Bates, D. Lee, S. Marchetto, T. Gao, J. P. Borg, W. -C. Xiong, L. Mei*. Erbin interacts with TARP g-2 for surface expression of AMPA receptors in cortical interneurons. Nat. Neurosci. 16(3):290-9. doi: 10.1038/nn.3320, 2013 

11. C. Liang# , Y. Tao*# , C. Shen, W. -C. Xiong, L. Mei*. Erbin is required for axon regeneration and remyelination after nerve injury in adulthood. J. Neurosci. 32(43):15169-15180, 2012. 

12. A. Ting, Y. Chen, L.Wen, D.-M. Yin, C. Shen, Y. Tao, X. Liu, W.-C. Xiong, L. Mei*. Neuregulin1 promotes excitatory synapse development specifically in GABAergic interneurons. J. Neurosci. 31(1):15-25, 2011. 

13. Y. Tao, P. Dai, Y. Liu, W. -C. Xiong, J. P. Borg, L. Mei*. Erbin regulates neuregulin signaling and myelination. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106(23):9477-9482, 2009. (Highlighted in ‘FACULTY OF 1000 BIOLOGY’) 

14. S. Luo, B.Zhang, X.P. Dong, Y. Tao, A. Ting, Z. Zhou, J. Meixiong, J. Luo, F.C. Chiu, W. -C. Xiong, L. Mei*. HSP90 beta regulates rapsyn turnover and subsequent AChR cluster formation and maintenance. Neuron 60(1):97-110, 2008. 

15. J. Arikkath, I. Israely, Y. Tao, L. Mei, X. Liu, L. F. Reichardt*. Erbin controls dendritic morphogenesis by regulating localization of delta-Catenin. J. Neurosci. 28(28), 7047-7056, 2008. 

16. C. Brooks, Q. Wei, L. Feng, G. Dong, Y. Tao, L. Mei, Z.-J. Xie, D. C Chan, Z. Dong*. Bak regulates mitochondrial morphology and pathology during apoptosis by interacting with Mitofusins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104(28):11649-11654, 2007.

17. R.-S. Woo# , X.M. Li# , Y. Tao, E Carpenter-Hyland, J. Wu, C. Lai, W.-C. Xiong, and L. Mei*. Neuregulin-1 Enhances Depolarization-Induced GABA Release. Neuron 54(4):599-610, 2007. 

18. Y. Liu, Y. Tao, R.-S. Woo, W.-C. Xiong, and Lin Mei*. Stimulated ErbB4 internalization is necessary for neuregulin signaling in neurons. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 354(2):505-510, 2007. 

19. Y. Tao# , D. Yan# , Q. Yang, R. Zeng, Y. Wang*. Low K+ promotes NF-κB/DNA binding in neuronal apoptosis induced by K+ loss. Mol. Cell Biol. 26(3):1038-1050, 2006. # , equal contributing first author. 

20. Y. Tao# , R. Zeng# , B. Shen# , J. Jia, Y. Wang*. Neuronal transmission stimulates the phosphorylation of Kv1.4 channel at Ser229 through protein kinase A. J. Neurochem. 94(6):1512-1522, 2005. # , equal contributing first author. 

21. Y. Tao*, W. Dong, S. Jia, X. Dai. Effect of ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761) on the changes of intracellular calcium concentration and mobility induced by amikacin in outer hair cell isolated from guinea pig cochlear. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 15(5):372-376, 2001. 

 22. Y. Tao*, J. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Hu. Effects of low level laser irradiation on intracellular free calcium concentration and SOD activity in vitro and in vivo study. Applied Laser, 17(2):89-93, 1997.




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