
1994年以来,从事发育神经生物学的研究,在神经突触形成和可塑性的研究,尤其是在神经肌肉接头形成和神经调节素与精神分裂症的机制等领域颇有建树,是该领域的国际领军人物,研究成果有助于对神经肌肉疾病、脊髓损伤、癫痫、精神疾病的治疗和诊断。发表原创性研究论文100余篇,申请或获得四项发明专利。同时任美国国立卫生研究院和自然科学基金评审专家,Molecular Brain, PLoS ONE,Journal of Neuroscience 等6家专业杂志的主编、副主编、或编委。创建中科院上海神经科学研究所的主要发起人之一,曾担任国家自然科学基金第一届海外评委,中科院神经所,江西医学院,南方医科大学,徐州医科大学客座教授。在北京大学,香港科技大学,中科院上海神经科学研究所和南方医科大学主持或讲授本科或研究生课程。
2004年获国家自然基金委杰出青年基金B类,2005年受聘为国家教育部“长江学者奖励计划讲座教授”。2008年获美国NARSAD(National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression)杰出科学家奖和美国Mathilde Solowey奖(Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences)。2011年入选中组部“千人计划”。
Research Articles:
1. Y.Z.
Huang, S.S. Won, D.W. Ali, Q. Wang, M. Tanowitz, Q.S. Du, W.C. Xiong,
K.A. Pelkey, M.W. Salter, and Lin Mei. Regulation of neuregulin
signaling by PSD-95 interacting with ErbB4 at CNS synapses. Neuron
26:443-455, 2000
2. Z.G.
Luo,* Q. Wang,* J.Z. Zhou, J. Wang, Z. Luo, M. Liu, X. He, A.
Wynshaw-Boris, W.C. Xiong, B. Lu, Lin Mei. Regulation of AChR Clustering
by Dishevelled Interacting with MuSK and PAK1. Neuron 35:489-505, 2002.
(highlighted in Neurobiology Paper Alert, Curr. Opinion Neurobiol.
12:463-470, 2002).
3. R.-S.
Woo,* X.M. Li,* Y. Tao, E. Carpenter-Hyland, Y.Z. Huang, J. Weber, H.
Neiswender, X.P. Dong, J. Wu, M. Gassmann, C. Lai, W.-C. Xiong, T.-M.
Gao,* L. Mei.* Neuregulin-1 Enhances Depolarization-Induced GABA
Release. Neuron 54:599-610, 2007 (high-lighted in Preview by G.
Fischbach, Neuron 54:495-497, 2007; in News and View by L.W. Role and
D.A. Talmage Nature 448:263, 2007 and in Nature Review Neurosci., 8:492,
4. X.-M.
Li,* X.-P. Dong,* S.W. Luo, B. Zhang, D.H. Lee, A.K.L. Ting, H.
Neiswender, C.H. Kim, E. Carpenter-Hyland, T.M. Gao, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei.
Retrograde regulation of motoneuron differentiation by muscle
β-catenin. Nature Neurosci. 11:262-268, 2008. (highlighted in News &
Views by Fu et al., Nature Neurosci. 11:244, 2008).
5. S.
Luo, B. Zhang, X.-p. Dong, Y. Tao, A. Ting, Z. Zhou, J. Meixiong, J.
Luo, F.C.A. Chiu, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. HSP90β Regulates Rapsyn Turnover
and Subsequent AChR Cluster Formation and Maintenance. Neuron 60:97-110,
6. B.
Zhang, S. Luo, Q. Wang, T. Suzuki, W.C. Xiong, Lin Mei. LRP4 serves as a
co-receptor of agrin. Neuron 60:285-297, 2008 (highlighted in Nature
455:1153, 2008 and in Nature Review Neurosci., December, 2008)
7. Y.
Tao, P. Dai, Y. Liu, S. Marchetto, W.C. Xiong, J.-P. Borg, L. Mei.
Erbin regulates NRG1 signaling and myelination. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
USA 106:9477-9482, 2009 (highlighted at Faculty of 1000, 2009)
8. L.
Wen1, Y.S. Lu1, X. Zhu1, X.M. Li, R.-S. Woo, Y.-J. Chen, D.-M. Yin, C.
Lai, A. Vazdarjanova, W.C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Neuregulin 1 regulates
pyramidal neuron activity via ErbB4 in parvalbumin-positive
interneurons. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 107:1211-1216, 2010
9. Y.J.
Chen, M. Zhang, D.M. Yin, L. Wen, A. Ting, P. Wang, Y.S. Lu, X.H. Zhu,
S.J. Li, C.Y. Wu, X.M. Wang, C. Lai, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei*, T.M. Gao*.
ErbB4 in parvalbumin-positive interneurons is critical for neuregulin 1
regulation of long-term potentiation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 107:
21818-21823, 2010 (*, co-correspondence).
Ting, Y. Chen, L. Wen, D.M. Yin, C. Shen, Y. Tao, X. Liu, W.C. Xiong,
L. Mei. Neuregulin 1 promotes excitatory synapse development
specifically in GABAergic interneurons. J. Neurosci. 31:15-25, 2011.
X.H. Liu, R. Bates, D.M. Yin, C.Y. Shen, F. Wang, S. Nan, S.A. Kirov,
Y. Luo, J.-Z. Wang, W.C. Xiong, and L. Mei. Specific regulation of NRG1
isoform expression by neuronal activity. J. Neurosci. 31:8491-8501, 2011
B. Zhang, J.S. Tzartos, M. Belimezi, S. Ragheb, B. Bealmear, R.A.
Lewis, W.C. Xiong, R.P. Lisak, S.J. Tzartos, Lin Mei. Autoantibodies to
LRP4 in double seronegative myasthenia gravis patients. Archive Neurol.
69:445-451, 2012
G.H. Tan1, Y.Y. Liu1, X.L. Hu1, D.M. Yin, L. Mei* and Z.Q. Xiong*.
Neuregulin1 represses limbic epileptogenesis via activation of ErbB4
signaling in parvalbumin-positive interneurons. Nature Neurosci.
15:258-266, 2012 (1, co-first; *, co-correspondent)
Y. Zong, B. Zhang, S. Gu, K. Lee, J. Zhou, G. Yao, D. Figueiredo, K.
Perry, L. Mei* and Rongsheng Jin*. Structural basis of neuron-specific
regulation of postsynaptic differentiation. Genes & Development.
26:247-258, 2012 (Cover) (*, co-correspondence).
H.T. Wu, Y.S. Lu, C.Y. Shen, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. Distinct Roles of
Muscle and motoneuron LRP4 in Neuromuscular Junction Formation. Neuron.
75(1):94-107, 2012
H.T. Wu*, Yisheng Lu*, A. Barik, A. Joseph, M.M. Taketo, W.C. Xiong,
L. Mei. beta-Catenin gain-of-function in muscles impairs neuromuscular
junction formation. Development, in press. (*, equal contribution)
1. W.C. Xiong and Lin Mei: An Unconventional Role of Neurotransmission in Synapse Formation. Neuron 46:521-523, 2005
2. B. Zhang, W.C. Xiong, L. Mei. Get ready to Wnt: prepatterning in neuromuscular junction formation. Dev. Cell 16:325-327, 2009
3. L.
Mei and W.C. Xiong. Neuregulin-1 signaling in neural development,
synaptic plasticity and schizophrenia. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 9:437-452,
4. H.
Wu, Wen C. Xiong, L. Mei. To build a synapse: Signaling pathways in
neuromuscular junction assembly. Development 137:1017-1033, 2010