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周俭民 博士简介:
周俭民 博士,高级研究员;
2004- ,中国北京生命科学研究所工作,高级研究员
2002- , 堪萨斯州立大学植物病理系,副教授
研究概述 :
当前的研究主要集中于拟南芥和假单孢杆菌间互作的模式体系。假单孢杆菌包括至少50个不同的pathovar,每个pathovar都有一个特定感染的寄主范围。像其他的很多革兰氏阴性细菌一样,假单孢杆菌通过细菌三型分泌系统将许多效应蛋白直接分泌到寄主细胞。每种病原菌携带一套不同的效应因子, 这些效应因子决定了它们的寄主范围。编码三型分泌系统及其效应因子的基因受未知的寄主信号激活而表达。在寄主细胞里,这些效应蛋白协同作用而促进病原菌的寄生。
1. Fangming Xiao, S. Mark Goodwin, Yanmei Xiao, Zhaoyu Sun, Douglas Baker, Xiaoyan Tang, Matthew A. Jenks, and Jian-Min Zhou (2004) Arabidopsis CYP86A2 represses Pseudomonas syringae type III genes and is required for cuticle development. EMBO J., in press.
2. Thara K. Venkatappa, Alexander R. Seilaniantz, Youping Deng, Yinghua Dong, Yinong Yang, Xiaoyan Tang, and Jian-Min Zhou (2004) Tobacco Genes Induced by the Bacterial Effector Protein AvrPto. MPMI, in press.
3. Ping He, Satya Chintamanani, Zhongying Chen, Lihuang Zhu, Barbara N. Kunkel, James R. Alfano, Xiaoyan Tang, and Jian-Min Zhou (2004). Activation of a COI1-dependent pathway in Arabidopsis by Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors and coronatine. The Plant Journal, 37, 589-602.
4. Li Kang, Jianxiong Li, Tiehan Zhao, Fangming Xiao, Xiaoyan Tang, Roger Thilmony, ShengYang He, and Jian-Min Zhou (2003). Interplay of the Arabidopsis nonhost resistance gene NHO1 with bacterial virulence. PNAS, 100, 3519-3524.
5. Jian-Min Zhou and Xiaoyan Tang (2002). Plant disease resistance genes in gene-for-gene resistance and general resistance. In: Andrew J. Wood ed. Biochemical and Molecular Responses of Plants to the Environment, Biochemical & Molecular Responses of Plants to the Environment. Research Signpost, Trivandrum India. pp127. ISBN: 81-7736-167-8.
6. Ping He, Bernd Friebe, Bikram Gill, and Jian-Min Zhou (2003). Allopolyploidy alters gene expression in the highly stable hexaploid wheat. Plant Molecular Biology, 52, 401-414.
7. Thara Venkatappa, John Fellers, and Jian-Min Zhou (2003). In planta induced genes of Puccinia triticina. Molecular Plant Pathology, 4, 51-56.
8. Fangming Xiao, Ming Lu, Tiehan Zhao, Xiaoyan Tang, and Jian-Min Zhou (2003). Pto mutants differentially activate Prf-dependent, AvrPto-independent resistance and gene-for-gene resistance. Plant Physiology, 131, 1239-1249.
9. Jianxiong Li, Libo Shan, Jian-Min Zhou, and Xiaoyan Tang (2002). Overexpression of Pto induces a salicylate-independent cell death but inhibits necrotic lesions caused by salicylate deficiency in tomato plants. MPMI, 15, 654-661.
10. Fang-Ming Xiao, Xiaoyan Tang, and Jian-Min Zhou (2001). Expression of 35S::Pto globally activates defense gene expression in tomato plants. Plant Physiology, 126, 1637-1645.
11. Ping He, Randall F. Warren, Libo Shan, Tiehan Zhao, Lihuang Zhu, Xiaoyan Tang, and Jian-Min Zhou (2001). Overexpression of Pti5 potentiates pathogen-induced defense gene expression in tomato. MPMI 14, 1453-1457.
12. Ming Lu, Xiaoyan Tang, and Jian-Min Zhou. (2001) Arabidopsis NHO1 is required for general resistance against Pseudomonas bacteria. Plant Cell, 13, 437-447.
13. Libo Shan, Venkatappa Thara, Gregory Martin, Jian-Min Zhou, and Xiaoyan Tang (2000). The Pseudomonas AvrPto protein is differentially recognized by tomato and tobacco and is
localized to the plant plasma membrane. Plant Cell, 12, 2323-2338.
14. Libo Shan, Ping He, Jian-Min Zhou, and Xiaoyan Tang (2000). A cluster of mutations disrupt the avirulence but not the virulence function of AvrPto. MPMI 13, 592-598.
15. Yong-Qiang Gu, Caimei Yang, Venkatappa Thara, Jian-Min Zhou, and Gregory Martin (2000). Pti4 is induced by ethylene and salicylic acid, and its product is phosphorylated by the Pto kinase. Plant Cell 12, 771-785.




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