德克萨斯州帕克学院教授、帕克(医学)研究所副所长、神经生物学研究室主任、高级研究员。2006年起担任江苏省麻醉学重点实验室主任、徐州医学院麻醉学院副院长,第四军医大学博士研究生导师。并兼任浙江省温州医学院疼痛医学研究所(外方)所长;近年来,主要研究神经损伤(疾病)、修复和保护及其机制;神经病理性痛的感觉神经元和脊髓机制及其治疗;以及B类维生素的神经保护和镇痛作用等。获得美国以及中国国家基金委员会杰出青年基金等多项重要科研资助。研究论文主要发表在神经科学、疼痛医学、麻醉学以及相关领域的国际权威性期刊上。研究成果曾获得美国生理学会的表彰及其官方网站以及美国和国际主流媒体如美国国家电视新闻网等的专题报道;国际神经正骨联盟和国际神经正骨教育和研究基金会最高研究奖―Scott Haldeman 奖;美国国际ACTIVATOR有限公司年度最佳研究员奖;以及中国教育部、中国科学院院长、中国生理学会等的嘉奖。现为美国神经科学学会 (SFN),美国生理学会 (APS), 国际疼痛研究会 (IASP), 国际脑研究会 (IBRO), 美国科学发展学会 (AAAS) 以及纽约科学院等会员;“疼痛基础研究与临床治疗国际年会(ICP)”的发起人和组织委员会常任主席(美方);若干国际英文核心学术期刊的约定审稿人以及美国、英国、西班牙国家疼痛研究基金评审人。 研究兴趣和方向
1.神经病理性痛的细胞和分子水平的机制;2.B族维生素的镇痛机制 国内活动:
1.共同发起“疼痛研究与临床调控国际研讨会”,分别于2006~2009年在温州、西安、武汉 、徐州召开了四届,会议坚持基础与临床相结合、邀请国内外知名专家与会演讲的原则,取得了良好的学术效应和社会效应,是本领域水平最高的学术会议之一。
Liu WT, Li HC, Song XS, Huang ZJ, Song XJ. EphB Receptor Signaling in Mouse Spinal Cord Contributes to Physical Dependence on Morphine. FASEB J 2009 Jan; 23(1):90-98. Epub 2008 September 4. Song XS, Huang ZJ, Song XJ. Thiamine may suppress thermal hyperalgesia by inhibiting hyperexcitability and regulating altered sodium channel of the injured dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats. Anesthesiology 2009 February; 110:387-400.
Han Y, Song XS, Liu WT, Henkemeyer M, Song XJ. Targeted Mutation of EphB1 Receptor Prevents Development of Neuropathic Hyperalgesia and Physical Dependence on Morphine in Mice. Mol Pain 2008 November 21;4(1):60.
Huang ZJ and Song XJ: Differential alteration of sodium currents in nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons following injuries to the somata and peripheral branches of axons. Mol Pain 2008 May 4:20,
Song XJ, Zheng JH, Cao JL, Li HC, Liu WT, Song XS Huang ZJ: Ephrin-EphB receptor signaling contributes to neuropathic pain by regulating neural excitability and spinal plasticity in rats. PAIN 2008; 139:168-180, April 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Song XJ, Cao JL, Li HC, Song XS, Xiong LZ: Upregulation and redistribution of ephrin1B-EphB1 receptor signaling in dorsal root ganglion and spinal dorsal horn after nerve injury and dorsal rhizotomy. Eur J Pain 2008 Mar; 12(8): 1031-1039
Cao JL, Ruan JP, Ling DY, Guan XH, Bao Q, Yuan Y, Zhang LC, Song XJ, Zeng YM. Activation of peripheral ephrinBs/EphBs signaling induces hyperalgesia through a MAPKs-mediated mechanism in mice. Pain 2008, 139: 617-631. [Aug Epub ahead of print]
Zheng JH, Walters ET, and Song XJ: Dissociation of dorsal root ganglion neurons induces hyperexcitability that is maintained by increases responsiveness to cAMP and cGMP. J Neurophysiol 2007; 97:15-25. Editorial Focus in 2007; 97:1-2
Song XJ, Wang ZB, Gan Q, and Walters ET: cAMP and cGMP Pathways contribute to expression of hyperalgesia and sensory neuron hyperexcitability following dorsal root ganglion compression in the rat. J Neurophysiol 2006; 95:479-492.
Song XJ, Gan Q, Cao JL, Wang ZB, Rupert RL: Spinal Manipulation Reduces Pain and Hyperalgesia Produced by Lumbar Intervertebral Foramen Inflammation in the Rat. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006;29:1-9.
Liu YB, Shi J, Lu CC, Wang ZB, Song XJ, Zou YM: Ryk-mediated Wnt repulsion regulates posterior-directed growth of corticospinal tract. Nature Neuroscience 2005; 8(9):1151-9.
Wang ZB, Gan Q, Rupert RL, and Song XJ: Thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and their combination inhibit thermal but not mechanical hyperalgesia in rats with primary sensory neuron injury. Pain 2005;114(1-2):266-77
Zheng JH, Song XJ: Aβ-Afferents Activate NK-1 Receptor in Dorsal Horn Neurons after Nerve Injury. NeuroReport 2005;16(7):715-9
Song XJ (textbook chapter): Central projections of spinal receptors. In Haldeman S: Principle and Practice of Chiropractic, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, New York. 2004
Song, XJ, Vizcarra C, Xu DS, Rupert RL, Wong ZN: Hyperalgesia and neural excitability following injuries to the peripheral and central branches of axon and somata of dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Neurophysiol 2003;89:2185-2193
Song XJ, Zhang JM and LaMotte RH: Somata of nerve-injured sensory neurons exhibit enhanced responses to inflammatory mediators. Pain 2003;104(3):701-709
Song XJ, Xu DS, Vizcarra C, Rupert RL: Onset and recovery of hyperalgesia and hyperexcitability of sensory neurons following intervertebral foramen volume reduction and restoration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2003;26(7):426-436