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Xiaoke Chen

Principal Investigator


Office: 385 Serra Mall, Room 122E

Phone: (650) 723-4892

Email: xkchen@stanford.edu

Research Interest:

Our long-term goal is to understand how sensory information and physiological state integrate to drive decisions and behaviors. We are now focusing on interoception, which is the sense of the physiological condition of the body. This includes our abilities to feel hungry or satiated, to sense heightened blood pressure and heart rate during stress, and to discriminate different types of pain. In our lab, we combine genetics-based brain circuit manipulation with in vivo electrophysiological and optical recording of neuronal ensembles to dissect the coding logic underlying interoception.

In collaborate with LiqunLuo’s laboratory, we are developing a novel experimental strategy, which will allow us to visualize and manipulate neural activities through out the entire brain. Combining this novel experimental platform with optogenetic and in-vivo two-photon imaging, we will systematically deconstruct the neural circuit for interoceptive sense.

Selected Publications:


Chen X, Gabitto M, Peng Y, Ryba NJ, Zuker CS.
A gustotopic map of taste qualities in mammalian brain. 
Science. 2011; 333(6047):1262-1266. (Research Article)


Huang AL, Chen X, Hoon MA, Chandrashekar J, Guo W, Trankner D, Ryba NJ, Zuker CS.
The cells and logic for mammalian sour taste detection. 
Nature. 2006; 442(7105):934-938.


Chen XK, Wang LC, Zhou Y, Zhen LH, Zhou Z.
“Kiss-and-run” glutamate secretion in cultured and freshly isolated rat hippocampal astrocytes
J Neurosci. 2005; 25(40):9236-9243


Chen XK, Wang LC, Zhou Y, Cai Q, Prakriya M, Duan KL, Sheng ZH, Lingle C, Zhou Z.
Activation of GPCRs modulates quantal size in chromaffin cells through Gβγ and PKC.
Nat Neurosci. 2005;8(9):1160-1168.




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