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1999 2000年获联合国国际遗传及生物工程研究中心博士后奖学金,赴意大利比萨大学进行合作研究;







[1]. Wei-chuan Mo, Ying Liu*, Helen M. Cooper, Rong-qiao He*. The third cleavage geometry of Xenopus embryo is altered in a hypogeomagnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics 2011 Aug 18. doi: 10.1002/bem.20699.

[2]. Kaili Liu, Ying Liu*, Weichuan Mo, Rong Qiu, Xiumei Wang, Jane Y. Wu, Rongqiao He*. MiR-124 regulates early neurogenesis in the optic vesicle and forebrain, targeting NeuroD1. Nucleic Acids Research, 2011;39(7):2869-79.

[3]. Rong Qiu, Kaili Liu, Ying Liu*, Weichuan Mo, Alex S. Flynt., James G. Patton, Amar Kar, Jane Ying Wu, Rongqiao He*. The role of miR-124a in early development of Xenopus eye. Mech Dev. 2009, 126(10):804-16.

[4]. Rong Qiu, Ying Liu*, Jane Ying Wu, Kaili Liu, Weichuan Mo, Rongqiao He*. Misexpression of miR-196a induces eye anomaly in Xenopus laevis. Brain Res Bull. 2009 (79): 26-31.

[5]. Mingnan Liu, Yang Liu, Ying Liu*, Giuseppe Lupo, Lei Lan, Giuseppina Barsacchi, Rongqiao He *. A role for Xvax2 in controlling proliferation of Xenopus ventral eye and brain progenitors. Dev Dyn. 2008; 237(11):3387-93.

[6]. Lei Lan, Mingnan Liu, Ying Liu* and Rongqiao He*. Expression and Antibody Preparation of POU Transcription Factor qBrn-1. Protein Pept Lett. 2007;14(1):7-11. [7]. Lei Lan, Mingnan Liu, Yang Liu, Ying Liu, Wei Zhang, Jinxiao Xue, Zhigang Xue, and Rongqiao He. Expression of qBrn-1, a new member of the POU gene family, in the early developing nervous system and embryonic kidney. Dev Dyn. 2006, 235(4):1107-14

[8]. Giuseppe Lupo#, Ying Liu*#, Rong Qiu, Roshantha A. S. Chandraratna, Giuseppina Barsacchi, Rong-Qiao He and William A. Harris: (2005) Dorso-Ventral patterning of the Xenopus eye: a collaboration of Retinoid, Hedgehog and FGF Receptor signaling. Development. 132(7):1737-1748. (#* 共同第一和通讯作者)

[9]. Yang Liu, Ying Liu, Wei Liu, Giuseppe Lupo, Rong-qiao He and Giuseppina Barsacchi (2003) Eexpression of recombinant XVAX2 peptide-104 of Xenopus laevis and preperation of the antibody. Protein Pept Lett. 2003;10(2):213-9.

[10]. Ying Liu, Giuseppe Lupo, Anna Marchitiello, Rongqiao He, Sandro Banfi and Giuseppina Barsacchi (2001): Expression of the Xvax2 gene demarcates presumptive ventral telencephalon and specific visual structures in Xenopus laevis. Mech Dev. 100(1); 115-118.

[11]. Ying Liu, Jinxiao Xue, Wei Zhang, Dechen Fu, Rongqiao He and Zhigang Xue (2000): qBrain-2, a POU domain gene expressed in quail embryos. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1491(1-3); 27-36.





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