姓名 丁小燕
所系名称 生化细胞研究所
性别 女
专业名称 发育生物学
技术职务 研究员
Mail: xyding@sunm.shcnc.ac.cn
通讯地址 上海岳阳路320号
研究方向 胚胎发育的分子机制
1991年赴德国Tuebingen马普发育所P. Hausen实验室进修并建立了长期的合作关系。
肌肉是脊椎动物胚胎发育过程中最早形成的器官。Myf-5基因在肌肉发生过程中的动态表达图式和功能分析表明myf-5与早期肌肉前体细胞的决定密切相关。 本实验室克隆了非洲爪蟾(Xenopus Laevis)Xmyf-5的基因组 5'上游序列,利用转基因技术及分子生物学操作对其中的调控元件进行了研究。
T—box基因家族是近十年来发现的在胚胎早期发育和遗传性疾病中起多方面重要作用一类调控因子。本实验室从克隆新的Tbx基因入手对该基因家族在胚胎早期发育中的功能进行了分析。 已经发现了一个Tbx家族成员对胚胎中细胞命运的决定有重要作用。
1. Ying Chen, Gu Fa Lin, Ruiying Hu, Yuguang Chen, Xiaoyan Ding, *
Activin/Nodal signals mediate the ventral expression of myf-5 in Xenopus
gastrula embryos BBRC (2003) 310:121-127
2. Xin Geng, Lei Xiao,
Qinghua Tao, Ruiying Hu, Ralph AW Rupp and Xiaoyan Ding* The Xenopus
noggin promoter drives roof-plate specific transcription NeuroReport
(2003) accepted, in press
3. Xin Geng, Lei Xiao, Gu Fa Lin,
Ruiying Hu, Jin Hu Wang, Ralph AW Rupp and Xiaoyan Ding*
Lef/Tcf-dependent Wnt/b-catenin Signaling during Xenopus Axis
Specification FEBS Letters (2003) 547:1-6
4. Gu Fa Lin,1§ Xin
Geng,1§ Ying Chen,1,2 Bin Qu,1 Fubin Wang,1 Ruiying Hu1 and Xiaoyan
Ding1*A T-box binding site mediates the dorsal activation of Myf5 in
Xenopus gastrula embryos Developmental Dynamics (2003) 226:51-58
Yang , Wenyan Mei , Andreas Otto , Lei Xiao, Qinghua Tao , Xin Geng ,
Ralph A. W.Rupp * and Xiaoyan Ding* Repression through a distal TCF-3
binding site restricts Xenopus myf-5 expression in gastrula mesoderm
Mechanism of Development (2002)115: 79-89
6.Wenyan Mei1, Jing
Yang1,2,3, Qinghua Tao1,5, Xin Geng1, Ralph A. W. Rupp2,4 and Xiaoyan
Ding1* An interferon regulatory factor-like binding element restricts
Xmyf-5 expression in the posterior somites during Xenopus myogenesis
FEBS Letters 2001.Vol.505,(1) pp.47-52
7.MEI WenYan, YANG Jing,
Tao Qing Hua and DING Xiao Yan* (1999) The regulation of Xmyf-5, a
muscla determinant, expression in Xenopus laevis Acta Biochemica et
Biophysica Sinica Vol.31 No.5 pp.583-586
8.HUANG Yong, Xiao Yan
DING* (1999) Ni2+ treatment causes cement gland formation in ectoderm
explants of Xenopus laevis embryo Cell Research, Vol.9,pp.71-76
Wen Yan and DING Xiao Yan * (1999) Tissue specific differentiation of
dorsal mesoderm in Xenopus mid-gastrula embryos Acta Biologiae
Experimentalis Sinica Vol.32, No.2 pp.127-133
10.TAO Qing
Hua,Jing YANG,WenYan MEI, Xin GENG, Xiao Yan DING* (1999) Cloning and
analysing of 5'flanking region of Xenopus organizer gene noggin Cell
11.TAO Qing Hua and DING Xiaoyan*
(1999) Analysis for the dorsalization potency of the animal blastomeres
of the 16 cell stage Xenopus embryo Chinese Science Bulletin Vol.44 No.6
12.Xiaoyan Ding, Peter Hausen, Herbert Steinbeisser
(1998) Pre-MBT patterning of early gene regulation in Xenopus: the role
of the cortical rotation and mesoderm induction Mechanism of Development
70 (1998) pp.15-24
13.Xiong Hao and DING Xiaoyan* (1998) The
acquisition of developmental capacity of 16 cell stage animal
blastomeres in Xenopus embryo Acta biologiae Experimentalis Sinica
Vol.31, No.1,pp.69-77