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个人简介 | ![]() |
学习经历 1988–1992, 复旦大学, 生物化学, 学士学位 1996–2001, 爱因斯坦医学院, 分子遗传学, 博士学位 工作经历 2001-2007, 哥伦比亚大学医学中心霍华德休斯实验室,博士后 2007-2010, 伯罕医学研究所,信号转导系,助理教授 2010-2017, 浙江大学生命科学研究院,教授 2017/11-至今, 上海科技大学生命科学与技术学院,副教授, 研究员 |
主要研究内容 | ![]() |
实验室利用分子生物学手段和细胞/小鼠模型来研究蛋白泛素化调控及其在发育和疾病生成中的作用, 同时也探索小分子化合物劫持泛素连接酶用于治疗癌症和调节免疫功能的机制. 最近我们用CRISPR-Cas9基因组文库来筛选控制免疫细胞清除癌症细胞的信号通路. |
代表性论文 | ![]() |
1. Liu, J., Song, T., Zhou, W., Xing, L.J., Ho, M., Peng, Z., Tai,Y.T., Hideshima, T., Anderson, K.C., andCang, Y. * (2018) A genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 screening in myeloma cells identifies regulators of immunomodulatory drug sensitivity. Leukemia, doi: 10.1038/s41375-018-0205-y. [Epub ahead of print] 2. Song, T., Liang, S., Liu,, J., Zhang, T., Yin, Y., Geng, C., Gao, S., Feng, Y., Xu, H., Guo, D., Roberts, A., Gu, Y., and Cang, Y.* (2018) CRL4 antagonizes SCFFbxo7-mediated turnover of cereblon and BK channel to regulate learning and memory. PLoS Genet. 14(1):e1007165 3. Li, G.F., Ji, T., Chen, J., Fu, Y.F., Hou, L.D., Feng, Y., Song, T.Y., Zhao, J., Endo, Y., Lin, H., Cai, X.J., and and Cang, Y.* (2017) CRL4(DCAF8) ubiquitin ligase targets histone H3K79 and promotes H3K9 methylation in the liver. Cell Reports, 18(6):1499-1511 4. 4. Gao, S.B., Geng, C.L, Song, T.Y., Liu, J.Y., Feng, Y., and Cang, Y.* (2017) Activation of c-Abl kinase potentiates the anti-myeloma drug lenalidomide by promoting DDA1 recruitment to the CRL4 ubiquitin ligase. JBC, 292(9):3683-3691 5. Jin, S.F., Chen, L., Chen, J., Histen, G., Lin, Z.Z., Gross, S., Hixon, J., Chen, Y., Kung, C., Chen, Y.W., Fu, Y.F., Lu, Y.X., Lin, H., Cai, X.J., Yang, H., Dorsch, M., Su, M., Biller, S., Cang, Y.* (2015) ALDH2(E487K) mutation increases protein turnover and promotes murine hepatocarcinogenesis. PNAS 112: 9088-93 6. Liu, J.Y., Ye, J., Zou, X.L., Xu, Z.H., Yan, F., Zou, X.X., Chen, Z., Li, Y.Z., and Cang, Y.* (2014) CRL4CRBN E3 ubiquitin ligase restricts BK channel activity and prevents epileptogenesis. Nature Communications 5: 3924 7. Yamaji, S., Zhang, M., Zhang, J., Yoko, E., Bibikova, E., Goff, S.P., and Cang, Y. * (2010) Hepatocyte-specific deletion of DDB1 induces liver regeneration and tumorigenesis. PNAS, 107(51):22237-42 |