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孙文智    助理教授、研究员
2010年11月-2012年5月,在杰克逊实验室(Jackson Laboratory)任副研究员科学家
2012年5月-2016年9月,在霍华德休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)珍利亚研究园区(Janelia Research Campus)任研究专员
2016年9月-至今,加入上海科技大学,在iHuman研究所任PI (Research Associate Professor),在生命科学与技术学院任助理教授、研究员
1. R Lu, W Sun, Y Liang, A Kerlin, J Bierfeld, J Seelig, DE Wilson, B Scholl, Mohar B, Tanimoto M,  Koyama M, Fitzpatrick D,Orger MB, Ji N (2016),Video-rate volumetric functional imaging of the brain at synaptic resolution. bioRxiv, 058495.

2. Sun W, Tan Z, Mensh BD & Ji N (2016), Thalamus provides layer 4 of primary visual cortex with tuned inputs. Nature Neuroscience, 19, 308-315. (Highlighted by HHMI Research News https://www.hhmi.org/news/adaptive-optics-helps-reveal-what-eyes-tell-brain)

3. Tan Z, Sun W, Chen TW, Kim D & Ji N (2015) Stimulus Feature Selectivity for Ultraviolet Light in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex.  Scientific Reports, 5: 12597. doi: 10.1038/srep12597.

4. Wang K*, Sun W*, Richie CT, Harvey BK, Betzig E & Ji N (2015), Direct wavefront sensing for high-resolution in vivo imaging in scattering tissue. Nature Communications, 6:7276. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8276. (* Co-first-author)

5. Wang C, Liu R, Milkie DE, Sun W , Tan Z, Kerlin A, Chen TW, Kim DS & Ji N (2014) Multiplexed aberration measurement for deep tissue imaging in vivo. Nature Methods, 11: 1037–1040.

6. Sun W, Wagnon JL, Mahaffey CL, Briese M, Ule J & Frankel WN (2013) Aberrant Sodium Channel Activity in the Complex Seizure Disorder of Celf4 Mutant Mice. Journal of Physiology, 591:241-255, (Highlighted in Future Neurology, 8(3):255-257, DOI 10.2217/fnl.13.13)

7. Wagnon JL, Briese M, Sun W, Mahaffey CL, Li Y, Curk Y, Rot G, Lin D, Ule J & Frankel WN (2012) CELF4 regulates translation and local abundance of a vast set of mRNAs, including genes associated with regulation of synaptic function. PLoS Genetics, 8 (11), e1003067.

8. Wagnon JL, Mahaffey CL, Sun W, Yang Y, Chao HT & Frankel WN (2011) Etiology of a Genetically Complex Seizure Disorder in Celf4 Mutant Mice. Gene, Brain and Behavior, 10:765-777.

9. Sun W & Dan, Y (2009) Layer-Specific Network Oscillation and spatiotemporal Receptive Field in the Visual Cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106:17986-17991.

10. Sun W*, Deng Q* & He S (2006), ON direction-selective ganglion cells in the mouse retina. Journal of Physiology, 576:197-202. (* Co-first-author)

11. Weng S, Sun W & He S (2005) Identification of ON-OFF direction-selective ganglion cells in the mouse retina. Journal of Physiology, 562: 915 – 923.

12. Diao L, Sun, W Deng Q & He S (2004) Development of the mouse retina: emerging morphological diversity of the ganglion cells. Journal of Neurobiology, 61: 236-249.

13. Dong W, Sun W, Zhang Y, Chen X & He S (2004) Dendritic relationship between starburst amacrine cells and direction-selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina. Journal of Physiology, 556: 11-17.

14. He S, Dong W, Deng Q, Weng S & Sun W (2003) Seeing More Clearly: Recent Advances in Understanding Retinal Circuitry. Science, 302:408-411. (Review)

15. Sun W, Li N & He S (2002) Large-scale morphological survey of rat retinal ganglion cells. Visual Neuroscience, 19:483-493. 

16. Sun W, Li N & He S (2002) Large-scale morphological survey of mouse retinal ganglion cells. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 451:115-126.                                    




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