Laboratory of Neural Circuits and Behavior
Program in Neuroscience
Hussman Institute for Autism
801 W. Baltimore Street
Suite 301
Baltimore, MD 21201
443-860-2580 ext. 732
Bridi M, Park SM, Huang S#. Developmental disruption of GABAAR-meditated inhibition in Cntnap2 KO mice. eNeuro 2017, 4(5): 0162-17.
Gao M*, Whitt JL*, Huang S*, Lee A, Mihalas S, Kirkwood A, Lee HK. Experience-dependent homeostasis of “noise” at inhibitory synapses preserves information coding in adult visual cortex. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 2017, 372(1715). (*Equal contribution) (PMID: 28093550)
Huang S, Hokenson K, Bandyopadhyay S, Russek SJ, Kirkwood A. Brief dark exposure reduces tonic inhibition in visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 2015, 35: 15916-15920. (PMID: 26631472)
Huang S, Rozas C, Trevi?o M, Contreras J, Yang S, Song L, Yoshika T, Lee HK, Kirkwood A. Associative hebbian synaptic plasticity in primate visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 2014, 34: 7575-7579. (PMID: 24872561)
Huang S, Huganir RL, Kirkwood A. Adreneric gating of Hebbian spike-time dependent plasticity in cortical interneurons. J. Neurosci. 2013, 33: 13171–13178. (PMID: 23926270)
Gu Y*, Huang S*, Chang CM, Worley P, Kirkwood A, Quinlan E. Obligatory role for the immediate early gene NARP in critical period plasticity. Neuron 2013, 79: 335-346. (*Equal contribution) (PMID: 23889936)
Huang S*,Trevi?o M*, He K*, Ardiles A, De Pasquale R, Guo Y, Palacios A, Huganir RL, Kirkwood A. Pull-push neuromodulation of LTP and LTD enables bidirectional experience-induced synaptic scaling in visual cortex. Neuron 2012, 73: 497-510. (*Equal contribution) (PMID: 22325202)
Huang S*, Gu Y*, Quinlan E, Kirkwood A. A refractory period for rejuvenating GABAergic synaptic transmission and ocular dominance plasticity with dark exposure. J. Neurosci. 2010, 30: 16636-16642. (*Equal contribution) (PMID: 21148002)
Jiang B*, Huang S*, De Pasquale R, Millman D, Song L, Lee HK, Tsumoto T, and Kirkwood A. The maturation of GABAergic transmission in visual cortex requires endocannabinoid-mediated LTD of inhibitory inputs during a critical period. Neuron 2010, 66: 248-259. (*Equal contribution) (PMID: 20435001)